1062–1010 BC (~52)
Jonathan and Armorbearer Attack
1042 BC
David a Shepherd Boy
1029 BC
Rejection of Saul
1029 BC
David Anointed by Samuel
1029 BC
David Slays His Lions
1027 BC
David Plays for Saul
1026 BC
David and Goliath
1025 BC
Saul's Hatred Against David Begins
1024 BC
David Escapes to Samuel
1021 BC
David Goes to Ahimelech, Priest at Nob
1020 BC
David Flees to Gath, Feigns Insanity
1019 BC
David in Cave at Adullam
1018 BC
David Consults Ephod, Flees to Wilderness of Ziph
1017 BC
Philistine Invasion While Saul Seeks David
1017 BC
David Flees to En Gedi, Clips Saul's garment
1016 BC
1015–969 BC
David Flees to Wilderness of Paran
1015 BC
David Marries Abigail
1015 BC
David Spares Saul's Life a 2nd Time
1014 BC
David Received Ziklag from King Achish
1014 BC
Deliverance of Jabesh, Israel Unified
1010 BC
Philistine Raid at Gilboa, Saul Consults Witch
1010 BC
1010–987 BC
David King over United Israel
1003–970 BC
David Conquers Jerusalem from Jebusites
1003 BC
David Defeats Enemies, Extends Territory
1003–997 BC
David Lays Plans for the Temple
997 BC
David Shows Kindness to Mephibosheth
997 BC
David's Adultery with Bathsheba
992 BC
David Rebuked by Nathan
991 BC
David's Child from Adultery Dies, 1st Judgment
991 BC
David Wrote Psalm 32
991 BC
Amnon Rapes His Sister
989 BC
Absalom Murders Amnon, 2nd Judgment
987 BC
Absalom Returns to Jerusalem from Geshur
984 BC
Absalom Reconciled to David
982 BC
David Flees Jerusalem
978 BC
David Numbers Israel
974 BC
Rebellion of Adonijah, 4th Judgment
971 BC
Hiram Offers Skill and Resources to Solomon
969 BC
Solomon Marries Daughter of Pharaoh
967 BC
Pharaoh Conquers Gezer, Dowry for Daughter
967 BC
Solomon Receives Wisdom
967 BC
Lord Speaks to Solomon 2nd Time
959 BC
Solomon Completes His Palace
946 BC
Hiram Inspects His Payment in Cities
946 BC
Solomon Fortifies Cities
945–931 BC
Arrival of Queen of Sheba
945 BC
937–857 BC
936–870 BC
933–886 BC
12 Spies Enter Canaan
1444 BC
Korah's Rebellion
1444 BC
1333–1233 BC
Balak Summons Balaam
1408 BC
Balaam Curses Israel
1408 BC
Israel Enters Canaan
1406 BC
Israelite Invasion
1406–1400 BC
Joshua Called, Sun & Moon Stand Still
1405 BC
Division of Canaan
1400 BC
Joshua Claims Territory
1399 BC
Ruth and Naomi Come to Bethlehem
1230 BC
1203–1123 BC
Ehud Slays King Eglon
1297 BC
1252–1152 BC (~100)
1129–1017 BC (~112)
Prophetic Call of Samuel
1143 BC
Samuel Judges Israel
1143–1055 BC
Philistines Capture Ark
1142 BC
1140–1020 BC
Philistine Oppression
1115–1075 BC (40)
Division of Israel
931 BC
Unknown Prophet Curses Jeroboam's Altar
930 BC
Rehoboam Forsakes Righteousness
928 BC
Solomon's Temple Sacked by Shishak
926 BC
Jeroboam I's Child Dies
915 BC
913–911 BC
912–885 BC
907–827 BC
907–848 BC
Palestine Invaded by Zerah
900 BC
Benhadad II
900–841 BC
898–835 BC
Shalmaneser III
894–824 BC
887–807 BC
Omri Builds Samaria
879 BC
878–852 BC
Omri Subdues Moabites
877 BC
877–840 BC
Asa Contracts Disease in His Feet
872 BC
Obadiah Hides the Prophets of God
870 BC
Jehoshaphat Sends Levites Out to Teach the Law
869 BC
Three and One Half Years of No Rain
869–866 BC
Jonan (or Jonam)
878–876 BC
End 3 1/2 Years of No Rain, Elijah Runs to Horeb
866 BC
864–800 BC
863–841 BC
Ahab and Naboth's Vineyard
855 BC
Ahab Defeats Benhadad I of Syria
853 BC
Micaiah Prophesies Defeat of Ahab
853 BC
Ahab Battles with Jehoshaphat Against Syrians
853 BC
Ahab Battles Assyrians at Qarqar allied w Ben-hadad
853 BC
Ahaziah of Israel Tries to Intimidate Elijah
853 BC
Jehoram of Judah Receives Letter from Elijah
851 BC
Elisha Mocked by Youth at Bethel
850 BC
850–798 BC
Elisha and the Widow's Oil
849 BC
Elisha Purifies the Pot of Stew
848 BC
847–767 BC
Elisha Promises Shunammite Woman a Son
847 BC
Elisha Feeds 100 Men
847 BC
Elisha and Miracle of the Floating Ax Head
846 BC
Elisha Thwarts Syrian Ambushes
845 BC
Benhadad II Siege of Samaria and Deliverance
845 BC
Jehoram of Judah Struck with Bowel Disease
843 BC
Joash (or Jehoash)
842–796 BC (~46)
Shalmaneser III Defeats Hazael
841 BC
Elisha Warns Shunammite Woman of 7 Year Famine
839 BC
Shunammite Woman's Land Restored
832 BC
Naaman Healed, Gehazi Leprous
830 BC
827–747 BC
821–767 BC
Jeroboam II
820–753 BC (~67)
807–827 BC
Uzziah Azariah, Prosperous Time
790–770 BC (~20)
787–707 BC (~80)
776–752 BC (~24)
773–732 BC
Shalmaneser V
772–722 BC
767–740 BC
767–687 BC
Sargon II
758–705 BC
755–715 BC
747–667 BC
735–681 BC (~54)
734 BC
Babylon taken by Chaldeans
732–539 BC
729–647 BC
Reformation-Passover Celebrated in Judah
727 BC
Second Invasion of Israel from Assyria
725–722 BC
Assyria Invades Northern Kingdom
725 BC
Fall of Samaria
722 BC
712–627 BC
711–669 BC
Invasion of Philistines
710 BC
Sun Goes Back 10 Degrees, Hezekiah Recovers
702 BC
Assyria Conquers World, Sennacherib Invades Judah
701 BC
Isaiah Prophecy Concerning Cyrus II
697 BC
695–607 BC
690–633 BC
Zephaniah Calls for Reform
690–609 BC
Sennacherib Razes Babylon
689 BC
Sennacherib's 2nd Invasion of Jerusalem
689 BC
Babylon Rebuilding
681–676 BC
Elmodam (or Elmadam)
679–587 BC
Esarhaddon Assyria Invades Egypt
675 BC
665–641 BC
Nahum Refers to Fall of Thebes
663 BC
663–567 BC
Nahum Predicts Fall of Ninevah
662 BC
647–547 BC
Ashurbanipal Defeats Elam
645 BC
635–537 BC
634–598 BC
Josiah Consecrates Himself to God
633 BC
Nebuchadnezzar II
632–562 BC (~70)
Josiah Finds Law, Keeps Passover
622 BC (~0)
Ezekiel's Wife
620–588 BC
620–530 BC
616–597 BC
Daniel 2 - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
606 BC–Future
Daniel 7 - Four Great Beasts
606 BC–476 AD
Daniel 1, Daniel Captive
605 BC
600–560 BC
Salathiel (or Shealtiel)
600–519 BC
2nd Invasion of Jerusalem by Babylon
597 BC
Ezekiel Taken Captive
597 BC
Daniel 3, Golden Image
594 BC
Jerusalem's Final Siege Begins Jan 15
588 BC
Judah Falls, Aug 15
586 BC
Fall of Jerusalem July 19
586 BC
580–539 BC (~41)
570–522 BC
Nebuchadnezzar Dreams of Tree & Humiliated
570 BC
Nebuchadnezzar's Sanity Returns
563 BC
Jehoiachin Released from Prison
560 BC
Cyrus II Unites Persia
559 BC
Cambyses II
553–522 BC
Belshazzar King - Babylon Waning
553–539 BC
Cyrus II Conquers Babylon Oct 29
539 BC
Daniel 8 - Ram, Goat and Little Horn
539 BC–Future
Daniel 11 - King of the North/South
539 BC–Future
Daniel 9, Prayer Concerning 70 Years
538 BC
Cyrus II First Decree, Resettlement Begins
537 BC
Jerusalem Rebuilt
536–444 BC (~92)
Jerusalem Temple Resume Building
520 BC
Artaxerxes I
490–423 BC (~67)
Queen Vashti Falls into Disfavor
483 BC
475–400 BC
Haman's Death Decree April 474
474 BC
Jews Delivered, Mordecai Elevated
474 BC
470–390 BC
Darius II
457–405 BC
Artaxerxes I Decree
457 BC
2300 Day Prophecy
457 BC–1844 AD
The Seventy-Weeks Prophecy
457 BC–34 AD (490)
455–392 BC
Joanna (or Joanan)
450–370 BC
Artaxerxes II
445–359 BC (~86)
Nehemiah Starts to Build Walls of Jerusalem
444 BC
Nehemiah's 1st Term
444–432 BC
Ezra, Public Reading of the Law
444 BC
Nehemiah, Walls Rebuilt
444 BC
435–341 BC
Nehemiah Returns to Babylon
432 BC
Juda (or Joda)
430–380 BC
Artaxerxes III
400–338 BC (~62)
Joseph (or Josech)
400–312 BC
380–300 BC
360–300 BC
Alexander the Great
356–323 BC (~33)
340–280 BC
Arbela, Battle of - Decisive Victory over Persia
331 BC
Nagge (or Naggai)
320–270 BC
295–215 BC
Naum (or Nahum)
260–180 BC
230–170 BC
205–125 BC
180–120 BC
Antiochus IV Persecutes Jews and Desecrates Temple
168 BC
Maccabees Restore Temple
165 BC
Jews Independent under Hasmonean Dynasty
164–63 BC
Janna (or Jannai)
155–96 BC
Melchi (or Melki)
132–70 BC
105–50 BC
Daniel's Babylon Prophecies
605–539 BC (~66)
Daniel's Medo-Persia Prophecies
539–331 BC (~208)
Daniel's Greece Prophecies
323–168 BC (~155)
Daniel's Rome Prophecies
168 BC–476 AD